What is Chinese Cupping?
Cupping is one of the oldest and most effective methods of releasing toxins from the body’s tissues and organs. Other terms for cupping are fire cupping, body vacuuming, and the horn method. Cupping has been used as a therapy in China for over 5000 years! The earliest record was found written in a silk book discovered in a tomb of the Han Dynasty.
Cupping stimulates the flow of blood, lymph and ‘Qi’ to affected areas which can help many conditions including pain, digestive problems, circulatory problems, respiratory problems, skin conditions, hypertension and common colds.
Consider cupping to be a classic deep tissue massage in reverse, and have it incorporated into your next hands-on massage treatment for the ultimate relaxation. Many A-List celebrities and Athletes (Michael Phelps was mainstreamed in the media during the 2016 Olympics) favour cupping therapy – however cupping has been a firm favourite treatment to ease muscle tension, knots and help invigorate the body for many years. Cupping is perfect for gym-induced aches or knots brought on by poor posture (ideal for aching office workers and drivers). The post-treatment marks can take a few days to fade but the de-stressing and pain relieving benefits more than make up for this.
How is a Cupping Massage performed?
Cupping therapy is the practice of applying a partial vacuum by means of heat or suction in one or several bell-shaped vessels (glass suction cups are used at Luna Holistic Therapies) to parts of the body. The body is massaged with oil to provide slip and help the cups to seal to the skin and slide during the massage. Your Therapist uses a specific set of movements and combinations with the cups (static, massage and flash cupping). This causes the tissues beneath the cup to be drawn up and swell increasing blood flow to the affected area. This enhanced blood flow under the cup draws impurities and toxins away from the nearby tissues and organs towards the surface for elimination. The time the suction cups are left in place varies according to the patient’s age and physical constitution, and the complaint being treated.
Usually the entire back may be treated with cupping massage therapy; including neck, shoulder, middle and lower back. The thighs and knee areas are sometimes included as well. Cupping however can be performed on the face and all parts of the body arms and hips. Some areas are more difficult and it depends on the mobility of the client. Cupping an be performed with care during pregnancy but never on the abdomen of a pregnant woman. For stomach and digestive complaints in non-pregnant clients, Cupping on the stomach area is an excellent method for relieving complaints, which can often be combined with reflexology.
In Chinese medicine various ailments are caused due to spinal misalignment of the vertebrae. During Cupping Massage conditions can be assisted by placing the cups over these specific parts of the spine.
Is Cupping Safe – I’m worried it will be painful and leave marks?
Cupping is a safe, non-invasive and is not painful. It can help to alleviate the pain and discomfort arising from respiratory disorders, muscle spasms, joint pains, and numerous other conditions.
Cupping isn’t as scary as it sounds, the cup is heated and placed quickly onto the body part which causes suction. Cupping causes some bruising as the blood vessels have constricted and expanded so rapidly. The cupping marks (circles) left post-treatment usually last around 48-72 hours. However if the cups are left on for longer (depending on how deep a knot is) these can take up to a week to fade.
What are the benefits of Cupping?
The therapeutic effects of Cupping last long after the treatment is over. The short and longer term benefits are individual, varied and cumulative and can include many of the following:
Cupping can benefit:-
- headache, back pain, joint and muscular pain (releases deep tissue issues)
- relieves inflammation and helps rheumatic conditions
- hypertension
- common colds and flu
- insomnia
- chest pain
- asthma
- blood disorders
- constipation and diarrhoea
- deep scar tissue and stretch marks
- can reduce cellulite
- helps relieve stress, anxiety, lethargy and mild depression
- increases energy levels
- stimulates blood flow
- strengthens the immune system
- improved lymphatic drainage
- aids in the elimination of accumulated toxins and waste products
- infertility
Top tips to get the best from your Cupping Massage
Always tell your therapist about any medical conditions you have.
As with all treatments, your medical history will be taken before your treatment and taken into account when choosing the right oils and techniques for your body.
If you are pregnant, or think you might be pregnant – it is essential you tell your therapist. You must inform your therapist Claire of any skin condition for which you are currently receiving medical treatment.
Cupping Therapy can be a relatively quick treatment so can be a ‘lunch-time’ treatment and unlike some other therapies it isn’t recommended that you should relax afterwards. Drinking plenty of water after all therapy treatments is essential.
Massages available include a cupping massage. Or add on cupping for specific complaints 15 minutes to any other therapy:-
Back, Neck and Shoulder cupping massage 30 minutes £30
Full Body inc face and scalp 60 minutes £45
or Add on Chinese Cupping Taster £15 to any other therapy treatment. More details available on the Holistic Treatments page.
Wet cupping is absolutely not practiced.